This highly interactive virtual experience takes you on an expedition of emotions all through the safety of your own home or office. I have fine-tuned each magical moment to truly build the bonds of community and transcend the barriers of distance.
The Reactions Speak For Themselves
Magic, Virtual Magic Shows, Virtual entertainment, corporate entertainment
Reasons To Host A Virtual Show
Reconnects family, friends and coworkers.
Creates a lasting experience for your event.
Empowers business owners to build a community within their team.
Impresses potential clients.
Entertains through layers of highly interactive magic.
Engages the audience start to finish.
Virtual Magic PLUS Inspiration
Enhancing the virtual experience, I am excited to offer "The Right Questions."
For years, I sought to merge my professional magic career with my award-winning teaching career, but the pathway to doing so was unclear. I wished to perform the parlor magic that I love so much and infuse the impactful message I have crafted inside my classroom for nearly two decades. The shift to virtual meetings has created a perfect opportunity for me to do just that! Now, along with a highly interactive magical experience, you can learn “The Right Questions”. Whether you are a young person just starting out in life, or you have years of seasoning, this message can guide you to living a success filled life.
Learn More About My
Magic Performances
At eleven years old, my passion for performing magic began. It has allowed me to perform for such companies such as Google, Comcast and Vonage. Click below to discover more.